Tutorial 1
General rules of prescription writing. Sources of information on drugs. Forms of medicinal
agents. Parts of the prescription. Prescription for controlled substances. Types of doses.
Calculating doses for children. Routes of drug administration and excretion. Rules of prescribing.
Tutorial 2
Sera and vaccines, allergic reactions.
Drugs used in preanesthetic medication. General anesthesia. Neuroleptoanalgesy.
Tutorial 3
Local anesthetics. Types of anesthesia. Neuromuscular blockers.
Tutorial 4
Antiepileptic drugs. Drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease. Analeptics. CNS stimulants.
Nootropic drugs.
Tutorial 5
Drugs to treat affective mood disorders.
Written test of the individual students' accomplishements
Tutorial 6
Inotropic cardiac agents. Antiarrhythmic drugs. Drugs used in the disturbances of the
peripheral circulation.
Tutorial 7
Antihypertensive and antianginal agents. Diuretics. The pharmacotherapy of lipid disorders.
Tutorial 8
Pharmacology of blood-blood derivatives, blood supplements and the treatment of anemia
Tutorial 9
Pharmacotherpay of the respiratory tract disoredrs (antitussives, expectorants, antiasthmatic
Tutorial 10
Drugs affecting the secretory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Drugs used in the
treatment of peptic ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum. Antiemetic agents.
Written test of the individual students' accomplishements
Tutorial 11
Drugs affecting intestinal motility (antidiarrheal agents, treatment of constipation).
Choleretics and cholagogues. Antihelminthic and antiprotozoal drugs.
Tutorial 12
Hormones of the pituitary and adrenal cortex. Sex hormones. Anabolic agents and
Tutorial 13
Pancreatic and parathyroid gland hormones. Antiglycemic and antithyroid agents. Drugs
used in hypo- or hyperglycemic coma. Drugs used in tetany.
Tutorial 14
Vitamins. Antineoplastic agents. Immunopharmacology
Written test of the individual students' accomplishements