Pharmacology tutorials for Midwives; (1999) at the Medical School, University of Lublin, Poland.

Contact: Dr. R. Korolkiewicz, Department of Pharmacology, Medical University of Gdansk, Do Studzienki 38, 80-227 Gdansk-Wrzeszcz, Poland. tel +48-58-419042; fax +48-58-5565037; email

Tutorial 1 - Types of doses. How to calculate a drug dose for a child? The ways of drug administration and excretion. Serum and vaccines. Allergic reactions and allergic tests. The basis of teratology

Tutorial 2 - Preanesthetic medication. General anaesthetics. Neuroleptoanalgesy. Local anaesthetics. Types of anaesthesia. Neuromuscular blockers and myorelaxants.

Tutorial 3 - Agents used in labour, premature labour, preterm labour and immenent abortion..

Tutorial 4 - Drugs to treat epilepsy and the Parkinson's disease. Analeptics. CNS stimulants. Nootropic agents.

Tutorial 5 - Antidepressant drugs. Neuroleptic drugs. Written accomplishments test

Tutorial 6 - Positive inotropic agents (cardiac glycosides and others). Antiarrhythmic drugs. Agents used in the peripheral circulatory insufficiency (disturbances).

Tutorial 7 - Antihypertensive drugs. Antianginal drugs. Diuretic drugs. Antihyhyperlipidemic drugs.

Tutorial 8 - Blood derivatives, blood supplements. Treatment of anemia.

Tutorial 9 - Drugs affecting the respiratory system (antitussive agents, expectorants, antiasthmatic agents)

Tutorial 10 - Drugs affecting gastrointestinal secretion. Drugs used in the peptic ulcer disease. Antiemetic agents.

Tutorial 11 - Drugs affecting the intestinal motility. Antidiarrheals. Laxatives. Antihelmintic and antiprotozoal drugs. Cholagogues and choleretics

Tutorial 12 - Hormones of the pituitary and adrenal cortex. Male and female sex hormones. Anabolic agents. Contraceptives. Hormones of the pancreas, thyroid and parathyroid glands. Hypoglycemic drugs. Drugs affecting the thyroid. Drugs used in hypo- or hypeglycemic coma. Drugs used in tetany.

Tutorial 13 - Vitamins. Antineoplastic agents. Immunopharmacology. Specific immunizations.
