Congratulations to the winners of the IUPHAR Young Investigator Awards presented at the 8th World Congress of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutic Pharmacology in Brisbane last month.
On May 19 I received 47 abstracts for evaluation, where the authors wished to be considered for the Young Investigator Award. Five of these should be included in the YI symposium on August 5. The following criteria were used in the selection:
- should represent clinical pharmacology in the sense that the research has been done in humans (not in vitro, nor in animals);
- should be original;
- methods should be valid;
- the subject (and results) should be clinically relevant;
- the authors should come from diffrent countries.
This is a highly prestigious award and, commensurate with this, the standard of the presentations was uniformly high. A committee assessing the performance, including the discussion, was selected consisting of Andrew Somogyi, Australia (chairman), Gerd Mikus, Germany and Rob Moulds, Fidji. Their evaluations were: