NIDA and IUPHAR are co-sponsoring an all-day satellite mini-convention at this year’s Society of Neuroscience meeting on 11 November, 2005 in Washington, DC, USA. The miniconvention, “Frontiers in Addiction Research” will comprise six symposia and a poster session for early career investigators.
Three travel awards were available for international young scientists. All IUPHAR members were given the opportunity to nominate young investigators, and a group of outstanding applications were reviewed.
Those selected to participate are:
Christopher Bailey
Dept of Pharmacology
University of Bristol
Silvana Gaetani
Dept of Human Physiology and Pharmacology
University of Rome
Marcello Solinas
Laboratoire de Biologie et Physiologie Cellulaires
University of Poitiers
For more information on the meeting, see the Society of Neuroscience website at