Volunteer Discussion Group Moderator Sought
Laguna Outreach is looking for a warm, bright, personable leader for our popular Great Conversations With Gays And Lesbians activity. This is a potluck followed by a free-ranging discussion on a topic of interest to GLBT folks, held every month in a different member's home. Topics have included coming out, relationship anxiety, great teachers and mentors, gays and spirituality, ageism in the gay community, looking for love, what we fear most, tolerance among ourselves, and many others.
GCWGAL is completing its eighth year and has been under the guidance of LO board member Marc Feller for the last five. Marc says, "This is certainly the most rewarding volunteer work I've ever done. Every month I see old friends and meet new people, since GCWGAL is a wonderful intake vehicle for Laguna Outreach. The discussions are alsways lively and thought-provoking too. I regret the need to take a sabbatical, but I'll be happy to train and support the new moderator in every possible way. No one wants to see this activity close down."
The GCWGAL moderator is responsible for (1) locating host homes, (2) helping the host set up and clean up, (3) devising topics, (4) gently guiding the discussion and keeping order, and (5) writing a monthly column about the activity for the Laguna Outreach Newsletter.
Interested parties please contact Marc at 562-434-1580 or marc@lagunaoutreach.org. He'll be holding the last meeting of the year in his Long Beach home this Wednesday, November 20. Drop in and see what it's all about - it might be just the thing for you!

The Gay & Lesbian Community Services Center |

Focus On The Center

by Stan Jenson
Although many Laguna Outreach members have been influential in the founding and maintenance of the Orange County Center, many more of us really don't know much about what goes on there. Our General Meeting on November 13 presents
Veronica Zerrer, Director of Development for the Center. We haven't held a general meeting in four months, and so wanted a truly exciting presentation for November. We're sure you will be delighted with Roni and the information she presents.
Roni was raised in Kansas, attended college at Kansas State University and devoted 22 years to the US Army (active duty and reserve). She has held numerous government and social service positions, including Grant Writer for the Prairie Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe. It was a mutual benefit when Roni took over the Development desk at the Center. She has become a highly popular and visible member of our community in a relatively short time, and her work at the Center is dynamic.
Roni will describe the mission of the Center, the demographics of their clients and some of the major problem areas for all GLBT people in our community. Then she will describe the current challenges the Center faces, how they go about addressing them, and what is in store next for the Center.
Attend the meeting to learn and find out more that will help enrich and benefit our lives here in Orange County. The gathering will take place at the Neighborhood Community Church, St. Ann's at Glenneyre, Laguna Beach, Wednesday, November 13, social at 6:45 p.m.,
meeting at 7:30. $5 donation for non-members.