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NC-IUPHAR: Introduction

NC-IUPHAR 2004-2006

"NC-IUPHAR" is The International Committee of Pharmacology Committee on Receptor Nomenclature and Classification. The mission for NC-IUPHAR was initiated in 1987 at the Xth International Congress of Pharmacology. In 1989, the Executive Committee of IUPHAR named Paul Vanhoutte (France) as chairman of a revised and enlarged committee. This committee energetically expanded its activities and the number of subcommittees (to 33), eventually producing the first official compendium on the occasion of the XIIIth International Congress of Pharmacology at Munich in 1998. Paul Vanhoutte was elected president of IUPHAR in 2002, and Robert Ruffolo (USA) was Chairman of NC-IUPHAR from 1998-2002 with Michael Spedding as Secretary, who became chairman from 2002. NC-IUPHAR has the mission of:

1. issuing guidelines for receptor and ion channel classification,
2. classifying the major receptor and ion channel systems,
3. introducing a Receptor Code to aid classification,
4. facilitating the interface between the discovery of new sequences from the Human Genome Project and the designation of the derived proteins as functional receptors and ion channels,
5. setting up a website with access to data on all known receptor systems, freely available to all scientists.

The current NC-IUPHAR was elected by the Executive Committee at the XIII World Congress of Pharmacology, San Francisco, July 2002. NC-IUPHAR serves a two-year term.

The publications of NC-IUPHAR are published in Pharmacological Reviews.


Michael Spedding, France


Franz Hofmann, Germany
Eliot H. Ohlstein, USA


Tom I. Bonner, USA
William A. Catterall, USA
Anthony Davenport, UK
Philippe Delagrange, France
Colin T. Dollery, UK
Steven M. Foord, UK
Anthony J. Harmar, UK
Salomon Langer, Israel
Vincent Laudet, France
Richard Neubig, USA
John Peters, UK
Jean-Philippe Pin, France
Richard W. Olsen, USA
David B. Searls, USA

Honorary Members

Paul Vanhoutte (France), Sue Duckles (USA), Bob Ruffolo (USA)

All content © IUPHAR 2002-2005