The current Executive Committee of IUPHAR was elected by the Council at its General Assembly at the XIII World Congress of Pharmacology, San Francisco, July 2002. The Executive Committee serves a four-year term. The most recent meeting of the Executive Committee was in Brisbane in Augst of 2004, during CPT2004.
Paul M. Vanhoutte, France
Sue P. Duckles, USA
Salomon Z. Langer, Israel
First Vice-President
James A. Angus, Australia
Second Vice-President
Makoto Endo, Japan
Sergio H. Ferreira, Brazil
Gabrielle Hawksworth, UK
Mohamed T. Khayyal, Egypt
Zhi-Bin Lin, China
E. Sylvester Vizi, Hungary
Past President
William W. Fleming, USA
Chairman of the Division on Clinical Pharmacology
Patrick du Souich, Canada
Vice-Chairman of the Division on Clinical Pharmacology
Don Birkett, Australia
Patrick PA Humphrey, USA
Anders Rane, Sweden