IUPHAR publishes its own research compendia. There are currently two compendia in print which are available directly from IUPHAR.
"The IUPHAR Compendium of Basic Principles for Pharmacological Research in Humans 2004"
This is the 4th volume in the highly acclaimed series of research compendia published by the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR).
The objective of this compendium is to provide the scientific community interested in human research with an easy-to-use guide on how to design a research protocol with humans aiming to assess the effectiveness of a drug in a determined pathological condition or for drug development.
About the Editors
Patrick du Souich, MD, PhD, is a professor and the director of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Montréal, Canada.
Sergio Erill, PhD, is the director of the Esteve Group, Spain. He has been Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology at two different Spanish universities, and President of the Spanish Society for Pharmacology.
Michael Orme, PhD, is the former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Liverpool, He is also Director of Education and Training for the NW Region of England and President of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, which he helped found in 1983.
"The IUPHAR Compendium of Voltage-gated Ion Channels 2002"
The first edition of this comprehensive volume has just been published. Edited for IUPHAR by William Catterall, George Gutman and George Chandy, this new publication focusses exclusively on the voltage-gated ion channels and related proteins.
It details the molecular, biophysical and pharmacological properties of the identified mammalian sodium, calcium and potassium channels, as well as the related cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channels and the recently
described transient receptor potential channels.
Each chapter is introduced by an authoritative review of the area and followed by a full-page data table for each ion channel in the family. Over 45 leading researchers have contributed to the compendium.
The data cover:
historical and current nomenclature systems
molecular structure variations within and across species
biophysical properties for functional subunits
pharmacological descriptions for channel openers and blockers
detailed affinity values from radioligand-binding assays
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