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Gastrointestinal Pharmacology Section






Biwako Hotel, Otsu, Japan November 20-22, 2004

The Gastrointestinal Section of IUPHAR officially was established in 1995 at Montreal, Canada in time of the Main Congress of IUPHAR. Three other Satelita Symposias were earlier organized in Europe ( in 1984, 1990, 1996 connected to the Main Congresses of London, UK; Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Munich, Germany; and in Sperlonga, Italy). The last Symposium of GI Section was held in Hawaii, USA in 2002 in connection to the IUPHAR Congress of San Francisco, USA.

This Syposium was organized by the members of Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Pharmaceutical University of Kyoto, Japan (chaired of professor Koji Takeuchi) in Biwako Hotel at Otsu, located on the very beautiful beach of Wako Lake. This congress center is very near to Kyoto and this is an ideal place for congresses.

The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Ulcer Research was held in 18-19 November, and the Symposium of IUPHAR GI-Section followed this meeting at the same place in 20-21 November, 2004.

The main fields of this symposium were the followings:

1. Gastric mucosal defense,
2. Mechanism of ulcer healing and repair,
3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, prostaglandins and nitrogene monoxide,
4. Helicobacter pylori, inflammation and tissue injury,
5. Neuronal system in GI tract,
6. Duodenal mucosal defense,
7. Gastric acid secretion,
8. New drugs and gene therapy in GI diseases

Each topic was overviewed by 3-5 oral (15-20 min) presentations (all together 40) and poster demonstrations (20). Interesting and critical discussions followed each oral presentation. The posters were setout for looking them, and each of the poster presenters received a short time for giving a summury of their poster (aim, results, and short explanation) and thereafter followed official oral discussion in all case. The atmoshpera of the Symposium was very creative and friendly both in the regular congress time and in time of social events.

The scientific presentations were given from

Austria (1),
Canada (1),
China (7),
Croatia (2),
Germany (2),
Hungary (2),
Japan (22),
Korea (4),
Norway (4),
Poland (1),
Russia (2),
Sweden (2),
Taiwan (1),
USA (9),

in alphabetic order of the countries, in summarizing up: 10 presentations names from North America, 34 presentations from Asia, 22 came from Japan and 16 presentations from different European countries.

There is a very special and important note that nine presentations were given as the results of the common and collaborative research between the (14) different countries.

The outline of the Symposium and abstracts of presentation are enclosed. The organization of the Symposium was at the level of internationally accepted high quality level.

Scientifically extremely important event to recognize the fact that on internationally scientific progress can be obtained by the creative crossover talks between the basic and clinical scientists. This symposium offered an excellent occasion to learn the pharmacological regulations of GI tract.

According to this, the aims of the basic and clinical research are the same. The representative experts of basic research and clinical practical had a try to understand and accept the aims, oppinions, requirements and criticisms from both sides.

The Procceedings of this Symposium will be published in the journal of Inflammophamacology in the middle of 2005.

Pécs, Hungary – Kyoto, Japan, 14 th January, 2005.

Gyula Mózsik MD, Sc.
First Department of Medicine
University of Pécs, Hungary
President of GI Section

Koji Takeuchi MD, PhD.
Department of Phamacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Japan
Chairman of the Symposium

All content © IUPHAR 2002-2005