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Research in Humans

Clinical Division: The IUPHAR Compendium of Basic Principles For Pharmacological Research in Humans

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"The IUPHAR Compendium of Basic Principles for Pharmacological Research in Humans" is the 4th volume in the highly acclaimed series of research compendia published by the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR).

The objective of this compendium is to provide the scientific community interested in human research with an easy-to-use guide on how to design a research protocol with humans aiming to assess the effectiveness of a drug in a determined pathological condition or for drug development.

About the Editors

Patrick du Souich, MD, PhD, is a professor and the director of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Montréal, Canada.

Sergio Erill, PhD, is the director of the Esteve Group, Spain. He has been Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology at two different Spanish universities, and President of the Spanish Society for Pharmacology.

Michael Orme, PhD, is the former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Liverpool, He is also Director of Education and Training for the NW Region of England and President of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, which he helped found in 1983.

"The IUPHAR Compendium of Basic Principles for Pharmacological Research in Humans" is copyright © International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

If you want to print the entire compendium, open it from here.

About the Authors2
Table of Contents3
Section 1 - Introduction4
Chapter 1. Ethical Considerations5
Chapter 2. Good Clinical Practice11
Chapter 3. Assessment of Endpoints: Kinetics and/or Dynamics16
Chapter 4. Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics27
Chapter 5. Paediatric Drug Research34
Chapter 6. Phase I (Human Pharmacology)40
Chapter 7. Follow-Up of Drugs After Market Entry50
Chapter 8. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence55
Chapter 9. Pharmacoeconomics and Economic Evaluation of Drug Therapies67
Chapter 10. Drug Utilization76
Section 2 - Pharmacological Research in Cardiovascular Disorders86
Chapter 11. Hypertensive Vascular Disease87
Chapter 12. Lipid Lowering Agents106
Chapter 13. Anti-atherosclerotic Drugs118
Chapter 14. Heart Failure132
Chapter 15. Arrhythmias143
Section 3 - Pharmacological Research in Neurologic Disorders164
Chapter 16. Epilepsies and Convulsive Disorders165
Chapter 17. Headache Disorders183
Chapter 18. Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias212
Chapter 19. Parkinson’s Disease and Other Extrapyramidal Disorders228
Chapter 20. Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases248
Section 4 - Pharmacological Research in Mental Disorders263
Chapter 21. Mood Disorders264
Chapter 22. Anxiety Disorders272
Chapter 23. Schizophrenic Disorders278
Chapter 24. Alcoholism and Nicotine Addiction285
Section 5 - Pharmacological Research in Joint Disorders293
Chapter 25. Osteoarthritis/arthrosis Short Term Studies293
Chapter 26. Osteoarthritis/arthrosis Long Term Studies294
Chapter 27. Rheumatoid Arthritis308
Section 6 - Pharmacological Research in Other Disorders337
Chapter 28. Neoplastic Diseases338
Chapter 29. Analgesic Drugs for Cancer Pain Management352
Chapter 30. Drugs Used in Osteoporosiss366
All content © IUPHAR 2002-2005