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Clinical Division






Research in Humans

Clinical Division: Introduction

The aims of the Division are to advance the development of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics by:

a) stimulating research in clinical pharmacology world-wide

b) promoting high ethical standards in clinical drug research

c) promoting scientific meetings, workshops and courses in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in different parts of the world

d) improving and harmonising the teaching of the rational use of drugs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, particularly in developing countries

e) promoting problem- and patient-oriented drug information for physicians and other health professionals

f) promoting the utilisation of clinical pharma cological services in health care delivery, particularly in developing countries

g) utilising skills of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in counteracting misuse of prescription drugs and other chemical substances, and evaluating patients experiencing adverse drug reactions

h) promoting high ethical standards in drug prescribing and utilisation

i) enabling individual countries to benefit from the international diversification of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics

j) encouraging collaboration with other agencies interested in the rational use of drugs, particularly WHO.

All content © IUPHAR 2002-2005