The current officers of the IUPHAR Division on Clinical Pharmacology were elected by the Division Assembly at the VIIIth World Congress of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics in Brisbane, Austraia in August 2004. The officers serve a four-year term. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are ex officio members of the IUPHAR Executive Committee.
Prof. Patrick du Souich, Canada
Prof. Don Birkett, Australia
Prof. Kim Brøsen, Denmark
Prof. Petra Thuermann, Germany
Past Chairman
Prof. Folke Sjöqvist, Sweden
Prof. Darrell Abernethy, USA
Prof. Gilberto Castaneda-Hernandez, Mexico
Prof. Luigi X. Cubeddu, USA
Prof. Wim du Plooy, South Africa
Prof. Mohammed Ibrahim A. Ibrahim, Egypt
Dr. Shinichi Kobayashi, Japan
Prof. David Ofori-Adjei, Ghana
Prof. Emilio Perucca, Italy
Dr. Hyung-Keun Roh, Korea
Prof. Geoffrey T. Tucker, UK
Prof. David Webb, UK
Dr. Fan-Dian Zeng, China
Chairman of the Sub-Committee Drug Utilization and Pharmacoepdemiology
Prof. Emilio J. Sanz, Spain
Chairman of the Sub-Committee for Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology
Prof. Kalle Hoppu, Finland