IUPHAR Clinical Division
Council meeting
2nd of August 2004
Brisbane Convention Center
Mezanine Room
Present: Folke Sjöqvist, Patrick du Souich, Don Birkett, Paul Vanhoutte, Shinichi Kobayashi, Geoffry Tucker, Sue Duckles, Kim Brøsen, Petra Thuermann.
Apologies from David Webb, Luigi Cubbedu and Emilio Perucca
1. Patrick du Souich reported on some proposed changes in the statutes of the Clinical Division expressing the new name of IUPHAR and new rules regarding associations seeking affiliation with the Division. The changes were approved by the councillors and they are available on request.
2. The “Subcommittee for promoting CPT in the developing countries” needs a new chairman. Some names were discussed, but no decision was reached. Kalle Hoppu from Finland was appointed new chairman of the “Subcommittee for paediatric Clinical Pharmacology” and Emilio Sanz was proposed as the new chairman of the “Subcommittee for Drug Utilization and Pharmacovigilance”.
3. Four new members of the council were presented: Darrel R. Abernethy, Mohammed Ibrahim A. Ibrahim, Hyang-Kean Roh and Gilberto Castañeda Hernandez joined the meeting. The following proposal for the composition of the new Council would be presented to the General Assembly:
Patrick du Souich (Canada), chairman
Don Birkett (Australia), vice-chairman
Petra Thuermann (Germany), treasurer
Kim Brøsen (Denmark), secretary
Shinichi Kobayashi (Japan)
Emilio Perucca (Italy)
Luigi Cubbedu (Venezuela)
David Webb (UK)
Fan-Dian Zhen (China) (new)
Gilberto Castañeda Hernandez (Mexico) (new)
Darrell R. Abernethy (USA) (new)
Mohammed Ibrahim A. Ibrahim(Egypt) (new)
Hyang Kean Roh (Korea) (new)
Wim du Plooy (South Africa) (new)
Folke Sjöqvist (Sweden), past chairman
Geoffry Tucker (UK) had been a member for two periods, and could not be re-elected. Philippe Lechat (France) and Alaistair Wood left the Council prematurely due to other commitments.
A proposal for the tasks of the councillors drafted by Folke Sjöqvist was discussed and approved.
4. The chairman Folke Sjöqvist’s report was approved. Most importantly it was decided in 2003 to change the name of IUPHAR to International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology but to maintain the acronym. The report is available at Folke Sjöqvist upon request.
5. The vice-chairman, Patrick du Souich reported on the publication of “The IUPHAR Compendium of Basic Principles For Pharmacological Research in Humans”. Many compliments were expressed from the audience for the great and successful work of the three editors, Patrick du Souich, Michael Orme and Sergio Erill.
6. The new secretary, Kim Brøsen, which took over from the past secretary Alastair Woods two years ago, had nothing to report.
7. Patrick du Souich reported on some proposed changes in the statutes of the Clinical Division expressing the new name of IUPHAR and new rules regarding associations seeking affiliation with the Division. The changes were approved by the audience, and they are available on request
8. The Secretary General Sue Duckles gave an overview of the difficult economy of IUPHAR. The usual income from Congresses. The organization in principle only receives an income of 50.000 USD in dues from the member societies. A number of suggestions to increase the income of IUPHAR were discussed
9. Don Birkett, the President of the 8th CPT Congress in Brisbane reported that the number of paying registrants now had exceeded 700. This was less than was hoped originally the budget would break even or the congress might even give a small profit.
10. Patrick du Souich, chair of the Scientific Committee of the 9th CPT congress in 2008 in Quebec reported on the progress. A website has been constructed, www.cpt2008.com. The organizers of the meeting were about to sign a contract with IUPHAR.
11. Kim Brøsen, the President for the 16th World Congress on Basic and Clinical Pharmacology to be held July 17-23 in Copenhagen reported. The meeting is called “WorldPharma2010”. A flyer has been printed in 10.000 copies and was distributed at the CPT 2004 in Brisbane. A poster printed in 2000 copies is ready to be distributed to departments all over the World. The congress website is at www.worldpharma2010.org
12. Tony Smith from Australia joined the meeting in order to discuss how to promote CPT in the developing countries
13. Lembit Rego, Hans Hogerzeil and K. Weerasuriya of the WHO joined the meeting in order to discuss the relationship between the Division and WHO.
14. Any other business: nothing to report
IUPHAR Clinical Division
General Assembly
Wednesday 4th of August 2004
Brisbane Convention Center, Brisbane Australia
1. The agenda was adopted
2. The chaiman Folke Sjöqvist reminded about a number of outstanding clinical pharmacologists that had died since the last general assembly in Florence in 2000:
Eigill Hvidberg (Denmark), Molly Thomas (India), Paul Lechat (France), Norbert Rietbrock (Germany), Lou Lasagna (USA), Lew Sheiner (USA), Börje Uvnäs (Sweden) and James Petrie (UK).
3. The chairman Folke Sjöqvist’s report was approved. Most importantly, it was decided in 2003 to change the name of IUPHAR to International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology but to maintain the acronym. The report is available at Folke Sjöqvist upon request.
4. The vice-chairman, Patrick du Souich reported on the publication of “The IUPHAR Compendium of Basic Principles For Pharmacological Research in Humans”. Many compliments were expressed from the audience for the great and successful work of the three editors, Patrick du Souich, Michael Orme and Sergio Erill.
5. The new secretary, Kim Brøsen, which took over from the past secretary Alastair Woods two years ago, had nothing to report.
6. Patrick du Souich reported on some proposed changes in the statutes of the Clinical Division expressing the new name of IUPHAR and new rules regarding associations seeking affiliation with the Division. The changes were approved by the audience, and they are available on request.
7. The new Council consists of the following members:
Patrick du Souich (Canada), chairman
Don Birkett (Australia), vice-chairman
Petra Thuermann (Germany), treasurer
Kim Brøsen (Denmark), secretary
Shinichi Kobayashi (Japan)
Emilio Perucca (Italy)
Luigi Cubbedu (Venezuela)
David Webb (UK)
Fan-Dian Zhen (China) (new)
Gilberto Castañeda Hernandez (Mexico) (new)
Darrell R. Abernethy (USA) (new)
Mohammed Ibrahim (Egypt) (new)
Hyang Kean Roh (Korea) (new)
Wim du Plooy (South Africa) (new)
Folke Sjöqvist (Sweden), past chairman
Geoffry Tucker (UK) had been a member for two periods, and could not be re-elected. Philippe Lechat (France) and Alaistair Wood left the Council prematurely due to other commitments.
8. The President of CPT2008 in Québec, Professor Stuart MacLeod reported on the progress in planning the meeting. A first announcement for the meeting had been distributed at the meeting. A website had been constructed, www.cpt2008.com. The dates of the meeting has been settled to July 26-31.
9. Kim Brøsen, the President for the 16th World Congress on Basic and Clinical Pharmacology to be held July 17-23 in Copenhagen reported on the progress of the organisation of the Congress. The meeting is called “WorldPharma2010”. A flyer has been printed in 10.000 copies and was distributed at the CPT 2004 in Brisbane. A poster printed in 2000 copies is ready to be distributed to departments all over the World. The congress website is at www.worldpharma2010.org.
10. Any other business: nothing to report
Kim Brøsen
August 5, 2004
Minutes of the meeting of the Council of the Clinical Division of IUPHAR held on Friday, August the 6th 2004 at 13.30 in Mezzanine Room 8 of the Brisbane Convention Center
Present: Kim Brøsen, Gilberto Castañeda-Hernandez, Mohamed I.A. Ibrahim, Shinichi Kobayashi, Hyung-Keun Roh, Emilio Sanz, Folke Sjöqvist, Patrick du Souich, and Petra Thürmann.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Adoption of the agenda
The agenda was adopted after the addition of several items in Other Business.
3. Chairman’s report
The members were referred to the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday, August 2, 2004.
4. Secretary’s report
The members were referred to the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday, August 2, 2004.
5. Treasurer’s report
Prof Thürmann will explore the advantages to transfer the account of the Division into a local Bank or to keep it in Paris and handle the funds via internet. The Treasurer is of the opinion that all transfers and checks should be signed/authorized by two persons. For geographical convenience it is decided that the Secretary would be the second person authorized to sign.
Prof Sjöqvist will request 20 000 US$ to IUPHAR to cover the activities conducted during the years 2002-2003 and 2003-2004. In future years, the funds requested to IUPHAR should be justified on the basis of basic needs to function and for specific activities.
Finally, Prof Sjöqvist indicated that he will reclaim to Prof Luigi Cubbeddu the 5 000 US$ given in 2001 to support the organization of the Inter-American Congress in Pharmacology and clinical Pharmacology, event that was cancelled due to political instability and Therapeutics.
6. Sub-Committees
Patrick du Souich will define the terms of reference of the sub-committees to be circulated and discussed.
Clinical Pharmacology in less developed countries
The search for a chairman is continuing and done in close contact with WHO
Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology
Nothing to report
Prof Emilio Sanz from the Universidad de la Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, has accepted to chair the sub-committee.
7. Role of the members of the Council
The guidelines for the councilors will be sent to the members of the Council for discussion and revision.
8. Progress on the organization of CPT2008 in Québec
The members were referred to the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday, August 2, 2004.
9. Up-date on the IUPHAR/CPT2010
The members were referred to the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday, August 2, 2004.
10. Other business
10.a. Compendium for CPT2008
The members were in principle favorable with the idea to prepare a Compendium for CPT2008.
Several issues were discussed:
i. to revise and update the compendium for CPT 2004. Prof. du Souich indicated that he is not sure to be able to revise and update the compendium CPT 2004.
ii. to transform the book of clinical pharmacology, edited by Von Boxtel, B. Sontoso and Folke Sjöqvist, and
iii. to publish a book reporting drug use in essential diseases, that is being discussed by Profs Emilio Sanz and Tony Smith.
The last issue was favored and it was agreed that Prof Sanz shall discuss with Tony Smith whether this is a realistic possibility.
10.b. International Advisory Board for CPT 2008
The Council agreed to propose to the Executive of IUPHAR the following candidates for the International Advisory Board for CPT 2008:
Darrell E. Abernethy (USA), Don Birkett (Australia); Kim Brøsen (Denmark), Kenneth Hartigan-Go (Philippines) and Shinichi Kobayashi (Japan).
10.c. Nominations for the Executive Committee of IUPHAR
The Council suggested several candidates:
Michel Eichelbaum (to be contacted by Petra Thürmann)
Heyo K Kroemer (to be contacted by Petra Thürmann)
Anders Rane (to be contacted by Folke Sjöqvist)
Kyoichi Ohsashi (to be contacted by Sinichi Kobayashi)
Prof Sjöqvist proposed to nomination of Prof Emilio Perucca but being a member of the Council of the Clinical Division it was considered better not to propose his candidacy.
10.d. Members of the Council attending IUPHAR Executive meeting
It was decided that the president, secretary and treasurer should attend IUPHAR Executive meetings.
10.e. Website for CP Division
The council agreed with on having an access to a well identified web linked to IUPHAR’s site. The site will be used to show the activities of the Division, to advertise events and to make available publications of relevancy for CP.
Prof du Souich will discuss with Sue the possibility to organize such a site.
10.f. Pharmacology International
The members of the Council shall send to IUPHAR reports of activities to be published in Pharmacology International. In addition, the members of the Division will write a short paragraph about their research and teaching expertise to be circulated among the members and to be published in Pharmacology International, the aim being to promote collaborations.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Next meeting will be held during IUPHAR 2006