Report of the IUPHAR Division of Clinical Pharmacology to Executive Committee
Since the Executive IUPHAR meeting in Brisbane, July the 30-31, the Division has redefined and reorganized its activities. In summary, these activities are:
1. The members of the 2004-2008 Council are shown in appendix 1.
2. The By-laws were revised and adopted by the General Assembly held in Brisbane the 4PthP of August 2004 (appendix 2).
3. General directives for the members of the Council were defined (appendix 3).
4. The Bank account of the Division is being transferred from Paris to Basel by Prof Petra Thürmann, the Treasurer of the Division. The report of the Treasurer is appended (#4)
5. The Division is redefining the terms of reference of the Sub-Committees.
6. The Division has redefined its priorities. These are: collaboration with WHO and support of CP in developing countries.
7. In agreement with the priorities defined, to increase our activities in the African continent, Prof. Lars Gustafsson, from Sweden, has been asked to chair the Sub-Committee for CP in Developing Countries. He is writing on a program that he will submit to the division for approval. Thereafter, he will make his final decision. Prof Gustafsson has extensive experience with CP and rational drug utilisation in African countries. In addition, he will be a key person to expand the collaboration with WHO.
8. Representatives at IUPHAR Executive meetings. IUPHAR is now the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. The Division should therefore be represented at all executive meetings by four officers (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and in the absence of one of them or when deemed necessary, the Past-Chairman). The number of representatives is in agreement with four voting members at IUPHAR General Assembly.
After an exchange of letters and meetings with WHO, Prof Folke Sjöqvist has reached an agreement with Dr Hans V. Hogerzeil, Director, Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines of WHO (appendix 5). Our focus during the Fall has been to collaborate with Lembit Rägo in his capacity of being former professor of pharmacology in Estonia and now in charge of Pharmacovigilance at WHO, Geneva. He will assist us with several activities at the EACPT-meeting in Poland, June 25-29 where we are running a IUPHAR-sponsored satellite symposium "Clinical Pharmacology in Eastern Europe". A main purpose is to improve our contacts with the Eastern European countries, particularly Russia.
In a further attempt to increase the collaboration with Eastern Europe, EACPT has sponsored a course in pharmacovigilance to be held in Stockholm in May 2005. The course focuses on the 10 new member countries in EU and their need to develop the monitoring of adverse drug reactions. The course is organized by the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm in collaboration with EMEA, London and the Swedish Drug Control Agency. Lecturers include several former and present members of the Div. of Clin. Pharmacology, IUPHAR (Michael Orme, UK, Giampaolo Velo, Italy, Nicholas Moore, France, Anders Rane and Folke Sjöqvist, Sweden).
Prof Sjöqvist has revisited Cairo, Alexandria and Menoufia in Egypt in January 2005 together with Professors Lars L Gustafsson and Ulf Bergman, Karolinska Institute. The first Egyptian-Scandinavian contacts in clinical pharmacology were taken during a symposium on the subject held one year previously and supported by seeding money from IUPHAR. Egyptian organizers were Prof. Mohamed Khayyal and Professor Mohamed Ibrahim and the Scandinavian representatives Professors Anders Rane and Folke Sjöqvist, Stockholm and Professor Kim Brösen, Odense, Denmark. The project is entitled "Clinical pharmacology for rational drug use in Egypt". The aims are to introduce teaching of clinical pharmacology in the undergraduate and graduate training of medical students/physicians, to introduce drug utilization, statistics and research in Egypt and to start Drug and Therapeutics committees (DTC:s) at four major hospitals in Cairo, Alexandria and Menoufia. Twenty Egyptian academics, half being professorial persons in pharmacology and half being clinicians will visit Stockholm in June 2005 for an intensive course in modern drug evaluation. The project is coordinated by Professor Ibrahim, Menoufia and Professor Sjöqvist, Stockholm and supported by an EU-TEMPUS grant of about 0.5 million Euro.
Prof David Webb (UK) has initiated a world wide quest to define the strengths and weaknesses of Clinical Pharmacology Societies. The objective of this quest is to publicise the findings with general recommendations that may be helpful for the development of CP and also to strengthen the priorities of the Division. The results of the quest shall be published in IUPHAR website. Prof Petra Thürmann will assist Prof Webb in this task.
Dr Patrick du Souich went to Mexico to attend the XXVIII Congreso de la Asociación Mexicana de Farmacología (AMEFAR) held in Cholula, March 13 to 17th. During the meeting, he met Prof Gilberto Castañeda who reported on the progress of the organisation of a network of CP among Latin American countries. The objective of this network is to ensure direct communication in order to help them in the domain of drug utilisation, to send to Latin American CP Societies teaching material and to identify young dynamic fellows willing to be trained in CP. With the help of the Council we hope to be able to find bursaries. The following countries have been approached: Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, República Dominicana, Venezuela, Panamá, Honduras, Brasil and Perú.
Dr Francisco J. Flores Murrieta, the President of AMEFAR requested the permission to translate the CP Compendium to Spanish. They feel it may be very useful for teaching.
Report of the Sub-Committee for Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology
The Sub-Committee for Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology for the term has been formed with representatives from Australia (Dr. Madlen Gazarian, Sydney), Europe (Dr. Kalle Hoppu, Helsinki, Finland Chairman), Japan (Dr. Hidefumi Nakamura, Tokyo) and North America (Dr. Gregory Kearns, Kansas City, USA), while a member representing the Developing world is still under recruitment. The Sub-Committee has developed a symposium "Better Medicines for Children" which has been accepted in the program of IUPHAR 2006. The program of the symposium is:
Draft program of the Symposium "BETTER MEDICINES FOR CHILDREN"
- The current situation of medicinal products in children - "Therapeutic orphans since 50 years".
Speaker: Dr. Madlen Gazarian
- Why do we need paediatric studies, why not extrapolate from adult data.
Speaker: Dr. Hidefumi Nakamura
- Juvenile animal studies in paediatric drug development - what is the evidence.
Speaker: Dr. Anne Zajicek
- The specifities of paediatric drug trials / paediatric development plan.
Speaker: Dr. Gérard Pons
- The new paediatric initiatives/regulations in US and EU and development in other parts of the world.
Speaker: Dr. Kalle Hoppu
Note: For all speakers final confirmation is pending, as no one has secured financing for the necessary travel to Beijing yet. However, all have indicated their willingness to do their best to get the necessary funding.
Kalle Hoppu
Chairman of the Sub-Committee for Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology
IUPHAR, Division of Clinical Pharmacology
Report from Prof Don Birkett about CPT2004
7th Congress of European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Poznan, POLAND, June 25-29.
The Division is sponsoring a Symposium with US$5,000 to discuss CP in Eastern European Countries. The symposium will be chaired by Folke Sjöqvist and Milan Grundman (Czech Republic), and further supported by a lecture from David J. Webb.
The following persons will be supported to attend the Congress and to participate to the Symposium: 1) Slobodan Jankovic, Serbia and Montenegro, 2) Raul Kiivet, Estonia, 3) Lilia Ziganshina, Russia and 4) Emil Gatchev, Bulgaria.
XVII Latin-American Congress of Pharmacology or Therapeutics 2005
The Latin American Association for Pharmacology, which rallies the National Societies of each of the Latin-American countries, is organizing the XVII meeting, which will be held in the city of Caracas, Venezuela from October 27-30th of this year. IUPHAR contributed to this event in 2003 with $ 5000, and IUPHAR has been recognized as a major sponsor of the event, not only because of its contribution but also because the Association is member of IUPHAR. The event will gather 1000 pharmacologists from Latin-America. The congress has been designed to cover both basic and clinical aspects of drug therapy. The Association would like to express its gratitude to IUPHAR, and in particular to Dr Patrick du Souich for assembling a symposium on P450, as well as a series of conferences on basic and clinical pharmacology. Aspects related to drug utilization and to drug surveillance have not been covered and are in need in the Latin-American setting.
Dr du Souich has organised a Symposium and several lectures on basic and clinical aspects of drugs.
Title of the symposium: Cytochrome P450 and Membrane Transporters as determinants of therapy efficacy and toxicity. Chairs: Drs Kenneth W. Renton and Micheline Piquette-Miller
1. P450s in the brain: Novel regulation and potential roles in drug efficacy and toxicity.
Dr. Rachel Tyndale, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2. Regulation of Drug Transporters in Health and Disease.
Dr. Micheline Piquette-Miller, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
3. Impact of Renal Failure on Drug Metabolism
Dr. Vincent Pichette, Departments of Medicine and Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montréal, Québec, Canada
4. Modulation of P450 Activity by Hypoxia
Dr. Patrick du Souich, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montréal, Québec, Canada
5. Modulation of P450 Activity and Expression by Inflammation
Dr. Kenneth W. Renton, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
The following lectures will also be included in the program:
Dr Rachel Tyndale: Drug Addiction and Metabolism: A Role for Pharmacogenetics.
Dr Micheline Piquette-Miller: Role of Carrier-Mediated Transport Systems in Drug Disposition and Response.
Dr Patrick du Souich: Drugs and natural products interactions with lipid-lowering drugs
Dr Kenneth W. Renton: Drug interactions and toxicities in children.
Dr Vincent Pichette: Renal failure and drug disposition: what’s new?
These events are organised at minimal cost for the organizers of the Congress.
Progress of CPT2008 organisation
The Organizing Committee has hold four telephone conferences August 2004 and March 2005. The strategy to raise funds as well as to attract exhibits has been defined and both Committees are actively working.
The Scientific Program Committee has progressed in the program organisation. Specifically:
1. The composition of the SPC has been defined. The SPC includes 57 members, 23 from Canada, 11 from USA, 9 from Europe, 8 from Australasian countries (Australia, China, India, Indonesia and Japan), 4 from Latin-American countries, 1 from UAE, and 1 from Africa. The members include basic and clinical pharmacologists, from academy and from industry, covering most large Societies (appendix #6)
2. The mission of the members of the SPC will be to define the topics that have to be included in the symposia and plenary lectures. To this purpose, the members have to work in close contact with their National Societies, request them proposals, and finally rank them according the topics defined.
3. The Congress will include 36 symposia (4 simultaneous events during 4½ days) and 9 plenary lectures.
4. A letter has been sent to 42 Societies of Clinical Pharmacology (appendix #7) requesting for proposals of symposia and plenary lectures as well as the electronic directory of the members.
5. Seventeen (17) Societies have replied including the largest, ASCPT, ACCP, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, etc.
6. We have compiled the E-mail addresses of around 2,200 members of several Societies, among them French and Spanish Societies and the E-mail addresses of the participants of the EACPT Congress in Istambul (˜300 addresses). ASCPT, AMEFAR (México), GSCPT (Germany), KSCPT (Korea) and LASCP (Latin-American) have indicated their willingness to send us the list of their members. ACCP (American College CP), ASCEPT (Australasian), DSCPB (Dutch), IPS-CPS (Italy), and BSPCS (British) agree to forward any information we send to the Secretariat to their members. The remaining Societies will be newly contacted soon. The directory is progressing.
7. Dr du Souich discussed by phone with Dr. André Terzic the president of ASCPT and we have agreed that I have to contact Mrs Sharon Swan, ASCPT’s Executive Director to obtain the directory of the members of ASCPT and to discuss the events that could be organized by ASCPT in Québec during the CPT2008 Congress.
8. A letter has been sent to the members of the SPC defining their task, indicating the deadlines and asking them to contact their own Societies to request proposals.
9. Several SPC members have commented the letter and made suggestions. Two changes are issued from these comments, e.g. a) the increase of symposia from 27 to 36, and b) the preparation of a form for the proposals of symposia and plenary lectures (appendix #8,9). These forms will be sent to the Individual Societies and to the members of the SPC and should be made available in CPT2008 web site to be filled directly online.
10. Dr Dan Sitar will act as liaison with PSC.
11. Several proposals for plenary and symposium have been already received.
12. The Clinical Division of IUPHAR will contribute with US$15 000 to support the bursary program, and one symposium of their choice, probably in the area of medicines and Society.
Progress of World Pharma 2010
1. The official name of the Congress is “16PthP World congress on Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 2010” but in short we call it “WorldPharma2010”.
2. For 2½ years we have had an official website:
3. In November 2004 the Danish Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology and the Danish Society of Clinical Pharmacology established “The Society for Implementation of WorldPharma2010”. The Society has two members: The Danish Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology and the Danish Society of Clinical Pharmacology and in all official papers concerning WorldPharma2010 they will appear as the host organizations. The reason why we made the new Society is to free the Executive Committees of the two national Societies from the psychological pressure of having a major legal and economic responsibility for WorldPharma2010. The general assembly of the “The Society for Implementation of WorldPharma2010” has 11 members: 5 appointed by the Danish Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 5 appointed by the Danish Society of Clinical Pharmacology and the President of the congress (Prof Kim Brøsen).
The Executive Committee consists of:
Professor Kim Brøsen, chairman (University of Southern Denmark)
Professor Michael J. Mulvany, vice chairman (Århus University)
Professor Ove Svendsen (The Royal Veterinarian and Agricultural University, Denmark)
Professor Hans Bräuner Osborne (Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Dr. Thomas Senderovitz (Ferring A/S)
Dr. Karin Hamberg (Leo Pharmaceuticals A/S)
Dr. Ian Ahnfelt Rønne (Novo Nordisk A/S)
Dr. Jørgen Matz (H. Lundbeck A/S)
The Executive appoints the members of the national Scientific Advisory Board, The Local organizing Committee and The Board of Clinical Advisers.
4) We have printed 10.000 copies of a brochure that has been or will be distributed at national and International pharmacology meetings in 2004 and 2005. A pdf version of the brochure is available at the website. We have also printed 2000 copies of a poster with the congress logo, but we have not yet started to distribute it.
5) The Executive committee has developed a Vision, a strategy and a time table for the Congress. We are aiming at 3000 participants. We hope for more, at least 4000, but we have taken the necessary precautions if the number is below 3000. There will be 10 parallel scientific sessions morning and afternoon, 90 altogether. We plan to have 2 Plenary Lectures morning and 2 at noon, 18 altogether. We plan guided tours during poster sessions and time for Industry sponsored Symposia will be allocated. The Scientific program will be organized in 10 streams and we propose the following:
1) Medicines and the Society
2) Pharmacogenetics/genomics
3) Drug Metabolism and Disposition
4) Pharmacology in the Industry
5) Therapeutics and Outcome
6) Cardiovascular Pharmacology
7) Neuro/Psychopharmacology
8) Endocrinology and Metabolism
9) Chemotherapy of malignant and infective disease
10) Inflammation
All or nearly all sessions will cover both basic and clinical pharmacology aspects.
Yours sincerely,
Kim Brøsen, MD
Report submitted by the Clinical Division of IUPHAR to the Executive of IUPHAR
Paris, 25-26 April of 2005
Patrick du Souich