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Working Group on Natural Products

SECTIONS: Working Group on Natural Products

Prof. Ricky Y.K. Man, HONG KONG


Previously, a Natural Product Working Group had been formed with Professor David Story of Melbourne, Australia as Chairman. In the last IUPHAR Executive Committee meeting in 2004, it was agreed to ask Professor Ricky Man of the University of Hong Kong to chair this working group. Chinese medicine will be an important component and will contribute to the efforts of the Natural Products Working Group. There will also be substantial topics related to natural products in the coming IUPHAR World Congress in Beijing. Professor Man with knowledge of the Chinese medicine researchers in China and understanding of natural products will take up the leadership role in this initiative. The immediate task is to identify colleagues interested in natural products to be involved in this initiative and start to work towards the stated objectives. It is also necessary to discuss with colleagues in China in terms of their plan in the IUPHAR World Congress.


  • Submission of a proposal to the Executive Committee of IUPHAR for consideration to form a Natural Product Section and then for approval by IUPHAR in 2006.
  • Participation in the scientific program related to natural products in 2006 IUPHAR World Congress in Beijing.
  • Initiation of linkages and discussion between scientists, industry and general public in the promotion of research and educational efforts in natural products.

Current Issues

We need to identify colleagues with broad representation in terms of background and research interest in natural products. A plan will be submitted to the upcoming IUPHAR Executive Committee in April 2005 for the formation of a Natural Product Section. If the plan is supported by the Executive Committee, a formal request to form a Natural Product Section will be made for consideration in the IUPHAR General Assembly in 2006.

Ricky Y.K. Man
Department of Pharmacology
University of Hong Kong
March 2005

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