In 1998 the IUPHAR Committee on Teaching was formally accepted as
a section of IUPHAR, The IUPHAR Teaching Section. Much of the drive
for this development had come from Professor Bevyn Jarrott (Monash,
Australia) who was also chairman of the Section during its first crucial
4 years. During this time the section ran a very well attended workshop
in Bellagio (July 1998), contributed to the Clinical IUPHAR meeting
in Florence (July 2000) and to meetings in Caracas and Taiwan and obtained
a grant from ICSU to develop translations of computer-based learning
materials (see below). At the San Francisco meeting of IUPHAR Professor
Jarrott stood down from chairmanship and a new executive was formed.
It is to be hoped he will be happy with the future development of the
section he was instrumental in creating.
Policy on Membership
Policy on membership and contributions to web site.
Membership is open to all and everybody with an interest in teaching
pharmacology is invited to participate in the activities of the Section.
The section is not intended to be exclusive but rather to include all
those who wish to be involved. The Councilors have been chosen to represent
a range of countries distributed across the world and it would not normally
be expected that there would be more than one councilor from any country.
Un-represented countries who are members of IUPHAR and feel they would
benefit from representation are invited to contact the Chairman.
Anybody with suggestions for development of the web-site or with materials
for consideration for inclusion in the web-site should correspond directly
with the Chairman or Secretary.
Contact Us
Ian Hughes
School of Biomedical Sciences
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel +44-113-343-4313
Fax +44-113-343-4228