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Section on Teaching






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Shared Teaching Resources


Report of the IUPHAR Section on Teaching to the Executive Committee - April, 2005

Representatives of the IUPHAR Section on Teaching have contributed to the 38th Annual Congress of the South African Pharmacological Society held in Bloemfontein (24-27 October 2004), to the European Congress on Pharmacology - EPHAR 2004 held in Porto, Portugal (14-17 July 2004) and to the IUPHAR 8th World Congress on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics held in Brisbane 1-6 August 2004.

The teaching section of the IUPHAR web site contains copies of presentations made on educational matters at these meetings. Contributions to a meeting of the Iranian Pharmacological Society in October 2005 are planned and arrangements to include symposia on teaching matters in the forthcoming IUPHAR meeting in Beijing are well advanced. It is also hoped to arrange a pre- or post- congress satellite meeting on education matters along with the Beijing meeting though planning for this is currently proving difficult.

All content © IUPHAR 2002-2005