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SECTIONS: TEACHING: Interesting and Useful Websites

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These should be submitted to the Chairman or Secretary giving the URL of the site and a 5-10 line description of the nature of the material to be found on the site.

Centre for Bioscience, Higher Education Academy This is the web site of the UK Learning and Teaching Support Network Centre for Bioscience. The Centre aims to provide help to teachers on all aspects of teaching, learning and assessment of bioscience and contains significant amounts of pharmacological information in the searchable knowledgebase. The clinical aspects of pharmacology are dealt with through the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine at LTSN 01.

BPS This is the web site of the British Pharmacological Society and contains a variety of teaching resources which can be downloaded free (e.g. slides, PBL scenarios, useful web site URLs and other material) as well as more than 40 CAL programs which can be purchased. The site also provides access to the BPS Resource Centre which contains details of more than 200 CAL packages for teaching pharmacology.

EURCA This is the web site of the European Resource Centre for Alternatives which contains details of a large number of teaching aids which can be used to reduce or replace animals in teaching some aspects of pharmacology. Many of the entries are accompanied by reviews by expert pharmacologists of the effectiveness of the materials. This site also links to the NORINA data base which also contains details of resources to reduce the use of animals in teaching and research pharmacology.

Scirus This is a search engine which some users have found to be more selective than Google. It may be useful in its own right and also to get students to compare the results of Scirus and Google searches.

Pharma-Lexicon The site has good search facilities for Medical/Pharma abbreviations, Pharma companies worldwide, Information on individual drugs, a Medical Articles search and facilities to search the Merck Index.

FreePint This site contains a large number of pages and articles classified into many categories such as Health, Medical, Mental Health, Pharmaceutical health.

ClinicalTrials.gov A comprehensive database of more than 4 000 clinical trials.

Principles of Clinical Pharmacology A series of lecture notes on the ‘Principles of Clinical Pharmacology’.

HyperTox A hypertext program designed both for emergency ward management and medical student teaching of clinical toxicology.

Basic Pharmacokinetics Numerous case-studies based around pharmacokinetic scenarios.

Education Committee of ASCPT A package of 24 ‘Teaching Cases’ and A Catalog of Teaching Aids in Clinical Pharmacology.

Medscape A series of modules including: Anticonvulsant Therapy in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain, Management Issues in Acid-Peptic Disorders, Therapeutic Advances for Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, Biting the Chameleon: Strategies to Outwit a Changing Virus.

Drugscope Provides detailed information on drugs of abuse primarily directed to informing the population.

DrugInfoZone Detailed information about drugs including new ones. Very comprehensive.

Science's Next Wave This site provides material to help with career choices and career development. It is directed at final year undergraduates as well as post-graduates and post-docs. Quite heavily orientated towards USA but there are sections for other countries. The UK section is useful and provides contacts and addresses for many companies in Bioscience and pharmacology. Covers among other things, CV writing, non-science careers, thesis writing, managing your supervisor, choosing a post-doc position.

Introduction to enzyme kinetics This site deals with an introduction to enzyme kinetics: 1. The effects of substrate concentrations on reaction rate; 2. Determination of kinetic parameters; 3. Kinetics of enzyme inhibitors; 4. Kinetics of multisubstrate systems; 5. Kinetics of allosteric enzymes. The site is interactive and well presented. Although not strictly pharmacological it provides information helpful to students is a clear and understandable way. It is also available in Italian.

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