The Section is keen to publish useful ideas, exercises or tasks which
might improve teaching of pharmacology. These should be submitted
to the Chairman or Secretary and should occupy UP TO 1 side of A4
(12 point type, 2cm margins all round, single spaced). Submissions
should follow the format which follows:
ORIGINATOR (Name, address, tel, fax, email);
SUMMARY (in < 5 lines);
STUDENTS (to what sort/year of student);
OBJECTIVES (<4 lines);
DETAILS (up to remainder of A4 page).
Those already available can be down loaded here in batches of 10.
1. Peer assessment of verbal Communications skills
2. Peer marking of practical write-ups.
3. Poster session: Original paper from British Journal of Pharmacology.
4. Drug profile
5. Summary of autonomic drug properties.
6. Data interpretation and analysis.
7. Decision making in drug discovery and development.
8. Autonomic Monopoly - a board game on autonomic pharmacology
9. Cardiovascular Pursuit - a board game on cardiovascular pharmacology
10. Effect of alkalosis on the excretion of aspirin.
11. Student learning through a structured debate.
12. Development of the ability to read selectively and think critically.
13. Internet searching on new drugs
14. Drugs in the media - a written assignment for science students