Prof. Bertil B. Fredholm, Sweden
Dr. Giorgio A. Racagni, Italy
Dr. Bruce S. McEwen, USA
Dr. Julien Mendlewicz, Belgium
Dr. Masanori Otsuka, Japan
The Section for Neuropsychopharmacology will provide a forum for formal and informal interaction among investigators from around the world involved in research on the effects of drugs on neurones with particular reference to effects on brain function.
I. Aim:
The aims of the Section for Neuropsyohopharmacology will be to:
A. Increase awareness of the importance of neuropsychopharmacology as it relates to human health and to finding new approaches to drug discovery and development.
B. Promote the exchange of scientific information among members of the Section and the entire membership of IUPHAR. This will be achieved in part through a periodic newsletter. The Section would also disseminate progress in the area through sub-specialty meetings and by symposia at major international meetings and workshops.
C. Stimulate interest in new areas of investigation within neuropsychopharmacology and promote the interaction between basic and applied research in neuropsychopharmacology.
D. Encourage young investigators to attend IUPHAR sponsored meetings and other meetings on neuropsychopharmacology.
E. Support the objectives and goals of IUJPHAR as a means to enhance the advancement of pharmacology worldwide. In particular the section will promote the area of neuropsychopharmacology in the regions of the world like Africa, Latin America, South East Asia and Eastern Europe, where progress may be slowed by a lack of efficient information channels.
II. Membership
Membership of the Section shall consist of any member of a society or other body that is associated with IUPHAR. This includes, but is not limited to, members of the American Society foi Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, the British Pharmacological Society and all other societies of pharmacology existing in any country or region of the world (e.g. the European Union ) society members of other professional societies (e.g. C.LN.P., E.C.N.P., Society of Neuroscience, etc.) will also be considered by the Membership Committee of the Section.
Nominees for membership shall be proposed by at least one member of the Neuropsychopharmacology Section, who is not a member of the Membership Committee at the time of nomination. Nominations will be acted upon once per year at a time to be designated.
III. Committees
A. Executive Committee
The composition of the Executive Committee of the Section should reflect the fact that it is an international organization. The selection process for the period 1998- 2002 will be overseen by the President of IUPHAR or a designate.
After the initial period of 1998-2002, the designated Executive Committee will be followed by an elected Executive Committee which shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary. Treasurer and six (6) Councillors. Nominees will be from the members of the Section. An individual would be elected by a simple majority and would serve for four (4) years. The chairperson, secretary and treasurer should be elected from among those members of the Executive Committee of the Section who have served in another capacity for the previous four year period. In addition, two of the councillors may be reelected. After 2002, the terms of office will be decided by the first Executive Committee of the Section and submitted to the members for approval.
The Chairperson will oversee the business matters of the Section and will be responsible br reporting at least yearly to the Executive Committee of IUPHAR The Vice-Chairperson shall act in the stead of the Chairperson and on all matters so designated by the Chairperson.
The Secretary will support the Chairperson in execution of the affairs of the Section. The Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the Section and will prepare a yearly report to the Treasurer of IUPHAR.
B. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee will be charged with evaluating the qualifications of candidates for membership to the Section. With the establishment of the Section and the Executive Committee thereof; election to a membership of the Committee will be overseen by the Chairperson of the Section or a designate.
As the Section matures, this Committee will be elected from the membership of the Section and will consist of three (3) members, each from a different geographic region or country. The term of service will be four years.
Decisions by the Membership Committee shall be referred to the Executive Committee for ratification. The Secretary of the Section will notify the Executive Committee of IUPHAR and the candidate of the action.
The Executive Council will decide whether there are to be dues required for membership in the Section.
C. Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three (3) but no more than five (5) members of the Section from different geographic regions or countries, who will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Section. The term of office will be (4) years.
The Committee will be responsible for making nominations for all elected officers of the Section and shall develop appropriate time schedules for the activities of the Committee. At least in the case of councilors the nominating committee shall provide two alternative names from which to choose.
D. Programme Committee
The Programme Committee will consist of at least three (3) but no more than five (5) members of the Section from different geographic regions or countries and will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Section This Committee’s responsibility will be to interact with planning oral presentations, poster sessions, symposia and other aspects of meetings sponsored by IUPHAR. The Committee will develop means to solicit ideas for programmes, evaluate abstracts and symposia proposals, make recommendations on specific elements of programmes arid judge the scientific quality of material submitted under the Neuropsychopharmacology category for presentation at IUPHAR sponsored meetings.
E. Long Term Planning Committee
A Committee responsible for dealing with issues related to long term planning will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Section. The Committee shall consist of three (3) members of the Section. Its responsibilities will include the evaluation of future directions to be explored, implementation avenues including exploring sources of support and the directional needs of the Section.
F. Communications Committee
This Committee, consisting of three (3) members of the Section from different geographic or countries will be responsible for developing approaches to communicate best with the membership of the Section and the Union. This may include the possible publication of newsletter and/or other means of maintaining bi-directional exchange of information between the Section and IUPHAR or other scientific societies throughout the world. The committee will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Section.
IV. Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended by a majority in ballots cast by members of the Section. The Section shall be informed at least three (3) months before the impending election by the Chairperson of the Section or a designate- The Chairperson of the Section is empowered to form appropriate ad hoc committee(s) to review proposed changes to the bylaws.
V. Liaison to the Executive Committee of IUPHAR
The Section shall interact on a formal basis with the Executive Committee of IUPHAR through a liaison person designated by the President of IUPHAR. In addition, a formal report will be made annually to the Secretary-General and Treasurer of IUPHAR.