V. 2.
A Section may be established by the Council in response to a request for the establishment of a Section, following a recommendation from the Executive Committee on the advice of the Membership Committee. Normally, this would occur when an area of pharmacology has developed to the point at which a substantial number of pharmacologists are active in the area and for whom the progress in the area would be aided by a formal structure.
To initiate a Section, the Executive Committee shall appoint officers who shall prepare a formal proposal for presentation to the Council for approval. The proposal shall include rules of procedure for electing officers and include an outline of the aims, functions and membership of the Section. A duly established Section is entitled to two voting Delegates to the General Assembly of the Council. The activity of the Section will be reviewed periodically by the Executive Committee. Based upon this review, the Executive Committee will recommend to the Council whether this section should be continued or dissolved.
The Sections shall have a Section Executive Committee. It shall consist of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer and four or more additional members. It shall be elected for a period of four years at the business meeting of the respective Section during the World Congresses. The Chair represents the Section, conducts its business and reports yearly to the Executive Committee of IUPHAR. The Secretary supports the Chair in this task by proper execution of the affairs of the Section. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the Section and will prepare an annual financial report to the Treasurer of IUPHAR.